Pio Santiago
Website under construction: We will be adding
contents in English as soon as they are available.
Just now, only the following contents have been translated:
Translating cooperation will be welcomed!
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Email: [email protected].
Pio Santiago
The Risen Lord, present in the altar, with the whole Church, is offered to God the Father, through the appearances of bread and wine, that is to say, by means of the signs of food and drink.
The Eucharistic body and blood of Christ are really destined to be received by the Christians as spiritual food and drink.
Pio Santiago
Sin is the permanent enemy of man. Avoiding sin is the salvation of man. God had foreseen from the beginning a definitive solution. Jesus —the Second Person, the Son of the Trinity— will be the Saviour that will conquer definitively sin. You will remember that God was reminding Israel that He would send a Saviour, a Promised Messiah.
By means of acts and words, God communicated to us and he gave us a Good News: God is our Father, and Jesus, our Saviour.
He also talked to Mary by means of an Angel. By the obedience of the Virgin and the Word of God, Jesus, the Son of God, was made man and came to the Earth to save us.
The Gospel tells us all these and many more things.
Pio Santiago
Website under construction: We will be adding
contents in English as soon as we heve them available.
The website will provide you with contents adapted to your needs, with the purpose of showing you different ways to know and to love Jesus and Holy Mother.
Introducción a la serie sobre “Perdón, la reconciliación y la Justicia Restaurativa” |
San Josemaría, maestro de perdón (1ª parte) |
Aprender a perdonar |
Verdad y libertad |
El Magisterio Pontificio sobre el Rosario y la Carta Apostólica Rosarium Virginis Mariae |
El marco moral y el sentido del amor humano |
¿Qué es la Justicia Restaurativa? |
“Combate, cercanía, misión” (6): «Más grande que tu corazón»: Contrición y reconciliación |
Combate, cercanía, misión (5): «No te soltaré hasta que me bendigas»: la oración contemplativa |
Combate, cercanía, misión (4) «No entristezcáis al Espíritu Santo» La tibieza |
Combate, cercanía, misión (3): Todo es nuestro y todo es de Dios |
Combate, cercanía, misión (2): «Se hace camino al andar» |
Combate, cercanía, misión I: «Elige la Vida» |
La intervención estatal, la regulación económica y el poder de policía II |
La intervención estatal, la regulación económica y el poder de policía I |